The Competition
The Brief
We are looking for photographs in colour or black and white on the theme of Renaissance. Life is full of moments when the human spirit triumphs over adversity, when the human eye suddenly sees the world from a new perspective, when we rediscover a sense of awe and wonder. You are invited to capture through the lens those instances when we suddenly see the beauty, value and meaning of life.
Photograph © James Sparshatt
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The Rules
The competition
- The Renaissance photographic competition (the Competition) has been organized by the organizing committee (the Committee) as a charity fund raising event. The stated goals of the Competition are to: raise money for the Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care (the Lavender Trust); and raise awareness of breast cancer in younger people.
- The Competition will be judged by a celebrity jury and will result in an exhibition at Proud Galleries from 6th - 9th March 2008 (the Exhibition).
- By entering the Competition you accept these Terms and Conditions and the Rules of Entry.
- The Competition is open to anyone with a camera who is over 16. Entries will be accepted from both UK and non-UK photographers (the Entrants). The Committee and any person or organization who sponsors Renaissance are not eligible to enter the competition. Members of the judging panel are also ineligible.
- The Competition will commence at 10am on 10th September 2007 and will close at 10pm on 10th December 2007. Entries received after this deadline will not be accepted. No responsibility is accepted for network, computer hardware or software failures of any kind which may restrict or delay the sending of your entry.
Image size and format
- Entries must be submitted electronically as JPEG files of no more than 85k with a maximum dimension of 475 pixels on the longest edge at 72dpi, either via or websites (the Websites). Entries will also be accepted by post.
- Your images should be renamed. If your name is Paul Smith and you are entering 3 images, then please name them smithp01.jpg to smithp03.jpg (with no spaces, capital letters or unusual characters).
- The thirty Entrants who are selected by the jury as finalists (the Finalists) will be required to provide a CD-ROM or electronic file to enable an exhibition sized image to be printed for exhibition (the High Resolution File).
- Finalists must provide a High Resolution File within 7 days of being notified by email that they are Finalists. Failure to provide the High Resolution File within this timeframe may result in the Finalist forfeiting his/her prize and/or his/her place in the Exhibition.
- Additionally, entries by post can be accepted. Details are available on the competition page.
Cost of entry and number of entries
- The cost of entering the competition is £15 for a single image and £25 for a series of up to 6 images (the Entrance Fees). All monies received from the Entrance Fees (after administration and organisation costs and VAT) will be donated to the Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care (the Lavender Trust).
- Entrants must complete the entry form and pay the Entrance Fees before any entries can be considered (the Entry).
Subject matter and format
- Entries may be in black and white or in colour and the origination can be produced using digital or analogue systems.
- Retouching/manipulation of images is accepted provided that all works are original works and not copies of other people's works.
- The Committee reserves the right to refuse pictures that it considers offensive or inappropriate to the Competition, for example pictures that are obscene, in poor taste, incite political, racist or religious hatred or depict violence.
- Entries shall be on the theme of Renaissance (the Theme).
- Entrants must provide a short caption of not more than 100 words explaining the significance of their photograph in the context of the Theme (the Caption).
Judging and notification
- The members of the judging panel are listed on the Websites but are subject to change without notice at the sole discretion of the Committee.
- The Judges will select the Finalists and, from the Finalists, will select a First Prize and a Second Prize.
- The Judges will make their decision based on artistic merit and illustration of the Theme. The Caption will not be taken into account for the selection of the Finalists, however will be taken into consideration in the selection of the First Prize and Second Prize and will be displayed with the Finalists' photographs at the Exhibition.
- The Judges' decision is final and no discussion or correspondence can be entered into in respect of their decision.
- The Finalists will be notified by email in January 2008 and their names will be posted on the Websites (Notification). Delivery receipt will be deemed proof of notification and any time period will run from this date.
- The First Prize winner will receive a 6 day Masai Mara safari holiday for one person; a second person can go for half price. Flights depart from the UK. The first prize winner will be bound by the conditions of the holiday booking operator and will be responsible for his/her own travel insurance, visa, inoculations and insurance. The First Prize winner hereby releases the Committee judges and sponsors from any liability whatsoever for death or personal injury unless caused by their negligence.
- The Second Prize winner will receive £500 of vouchers to redeem at Calumet Photographic.
- The First and Second Prize winners will also be offered the opportunity to exhibit and sell their work on the LPA's Gallery 1839.
- The Prize Sponsors' Terms and Conditions apply.
- There is no cash alternative to the prizes (or any part of them) and unless agreed otherwise in writing the prizes are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- The Committee reserves the right to alter arrangements or prizes should unavoidable circumstances arise.
Exhibition and sale of photographs
- The Finalists' photographs will be exhibited at the Exhibition.
- Printing and framing of the Finalists' photographs will be undertaken by the Committee. Entrants shall not object to any cropping or other minor alteration of the works for the purpose of including them in the Exhibition nor to any minor adaptation or treatment of the works for the purpose of creating publicity materials for the Exhibition.
- Each Finalist will receive a free ticket to the Gala opening of the Exhibition on 5th March 2008. Travel costs and overnight costs will be at the expense of the Finalists. Additional tickets may be purchased subject to availability.
- With the Finalists express permission, given at the time of Notification, the Finalists' photographs will be available for sale at the Exhibition and any connected exhibitions organized within 6 months of the close of the Competition for the purpose of raising money for the Lavender Trust (Connected Exhibitions).
- The price will be determined by the Committee. Finalists agree to donate the proceeds from the first sale of a print of their photograph to the Lavender Trust. Net proceeds from the sale of subsequent prints (after printing costs) at the Exhibition will be divided equally between the Lavender Trust and the Finalist.
- In recognition of the Finalists allowing their photographs to be sold, Finalists' generosity will be clearly stated at the Exhibition and Connected Exhibitions by an indication beside their image.
General terms and conditions
- All Entrants release the Committee and their judges and sponsors from and against all claims and damages arising from or in connection with each Entrant's participation in the Competition. All Entrants agree to comply with these Rules of Entry.
- Entrants are responsible for informing the Committee of any changes to the information entered on the entry form, in particular of any change of contact details at any time before the Exhibition.
- Entrants agree to take part in post-competition publicity.
Copyright and permissions
- By submitting images to the Competition, each Entrant confirms and warrants that:
- they are the sole author of each Entry and that it is their original work;
- they own the copyright and any other intellectual property rights of each image;
- they have the permission of those pictured in the image (or, where the image shows any persons under 18, the consent of their parent/guardian) for the usage rights required in section [Licensing] below and will indemnify the Committee against any claims made by any third parties in respect of such infringement;
- they have not licensed or disposed of any rights in the image that would conflict with uses to be made in the licensing section below; and
- they have received any necessary permissions from the owner(s) of buildings included in submitted images for the usage rights required by the licensing section below and will indemnify the Committee against any claims made by any third parties in respect of such infringement.
- Copyright of each image is retained by its respective photographer.
- By entering the Competition, you grant the Committee and Renaissance supporting partners a non-exclusive, irrevocable license to reproduce, enlarge, publish or exhibit, on any media, the images for any purpose connected with the Competition. This may include, but is not limited to:
- magazine coverage of the Competition and Exhibition;
- inclusion in a catalogue;
- display at the Exhibition and Connected Exhibitions;
- on a web browser for judging purposes
- on website and on the websites of sponsors and supporters; and
- for use in press releases to be distributed to national, regional & specialist press giving information about or promoting the competition.
- Entrants also agree that the Committee can sub-license images to the media for reproduction in connection with the Competition. However, for any use that falls outside this remit, royalties will be discussed & negotiated with the photographer concerned.
Data protection
- The Competition is run in association with the London Photographic Association (the LPA). Entrants details will be stored on the LPA database for the purposes of the Competition. By entering the Competition, Entrants agree that the LPA can collect, save and process the personal data provided for the purposes of the Competition (the Data). In addition the LPA may use the Data to contact the Entrant with information on the LPA and its future photographic competitions unless the Entrant indicates otherwise when submitting the Entry. Entrants are required to specify in the submission process whether they wish their details to be deleted from the LPA website once judging has taken place and the Finalists have been notified.
- Fiona Gifford, c/o Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care, 5-13 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0NS
Entry fees
- £15 for a single image
- £25 for a series of up to 6 related images
- The proceeds from entry fees will be donated to the Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care